A place to discuss and find ourselves out of the darkness

I am creating this place for all who suffer from anxiety and divorce.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Light

The last few months have found me on the next phase of my life. I move out of a very bad rebound relationship into a path of self discovery. The anxiety has become incredibly much more managageable with some simple excersises and the release of stress. I am a full time student and at times I wonder if this is what I should be doing. I hear a common statement of "well I have a degree but I am working a normal job" is this my fate? Who knows. My time for healing and living and growing is now. I took a class on something called EFT, an amazing way of releasing emotions, easily and quickly. I have found with my anxiety that I need to confront this beast head on, acknowledgeing how I feel instead of ignoring it and sleeping. My dissasociation is decreasing as I get more rest and my stress level goes down. My support has grown immensly since last year and I have a much larger array of friends now and I have come to the conclusion that is all I need.

I have no desire for a relationship and for the first time in my life I am happy living alone, just me and Milo. My roomate moved out and is living happily with her "soulmate". She no longer wakes me at 2 am in a drunken stupor. Things over all are going well enough and I am hoping to stay on this path for a while until I have discovered my authentic self. Digging through the layers of me, I am finding all sorts of interesting information I had no idea about, I am excited to see where this path goes, and I have figured out the key to living alone is to not think about the fact that you are alone, just living your life is the first step.

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